Monday 21 February 2011

Every Front Door and Garden on my Street

I noticed, walking down my street the other day, that nearly all of the houses are of the same format, and theres a hell of a lot of them too.

Of course I had noticed this before, but hadn't really thought anything of it. Walking down the road, although all of the houses have been built exactly the same, they all boast subtle differences, be it the mound of rubbish and empty beer cans littering the garden or the colour of the door (or lack of it!.. on my street this would probably happen..) Similar to 'Ever Desk in Grays' i thought i would transfer this idea to these houses.. and heres how it went.

The front door of your home is the first thing people see before they even meet you, this for some people, is the pride and joy of their home.. giving off a visual introduction of who they may be. This is interesting since most are broken down and in a state of disrepair (this is probably due to the fact that Torry is home to many of Aberdeen's junkies! Also that all of these front doors and gardens are shared and the responibility of their upkeep lands on everyones shoulders.)

In terms of structure and uniformity, i feel this series of photographs works more than the desk series. Although uniformity seems to break towards the end with each photograph subtley changing and showing differences to the last (this is with the introduction of steps leading up the door and a longer pathway.) Although each is different, one factor that was continuous throughout was where the photograph was taken from. Each was taken at the edge of the pavement, directly looking towards the door, aiming for (as much as possible) a completly centered image.

As with 'Every Desk in Grays', i would like to play with the idea of projecting each photograph on a loop onto a blank white door (the door in the photograph would be lined up so that it hits the physical door.. so possibly a lot of tweaking in photoshop..) But would also be interested to see each photograph framed and hung.



    A video about Michael Landy. Who destroyed everything he owned. Thought this would fit in with your everything thing!

  2. cheers Tom! yeah i looked him up last year he's a pretty good guy :D
