Tuesday 1 March 2011

OCD and Art.. Kim Rugg

Kim Rugg from Cool Hunting on Vimeo.

In researching the psychology of having (or not having) routines and structure, I came accross this lady after doing a bit of OCD article hunting.

Similar to the idea of deconstructing objects like the artist a few posts below, Kim Rugg deconstructs each article, headline and title in each newspaper, re-arranging the letters in alphabetical order. Again, a very long and painstaiking procedure. I'm very interested in the idea of taking the time to reconstruct and upset the balance of things. Is this adding structure to chaos or bringing chaos to structure!

Some Quirks of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

"I'm not sure where to begin. I have Purell/Germ X in my pocket at all times, I count my steps constantly, especially stairs. When I run, I count. I count the sprinkles on cupcakes and stuff. My Crayon box (when I was younger) was in the original order that it came from the factory. When I dial phone numbers, I dial once, then hang up before it starts to ring, then dial again, just to make sure I have it right. If is misspell a word, I must re-type the entire thing, I can't just fix the one part. All the clocks I have are synchronized, but they get off in about a weeks time. I can't have dirty dishes or laundry anywhere. And I love symmetry. Things must be centered. I get the ruler out!
I checked homework and tests over and over. I count to 17 when I was my hands to make sure they're clean, then I do it again. Shoelaces, draw ties, etc, must be even lengths at all times. I only stop reading on odd numbered pages of books. I check the screen door and front door twice before leaving. I always make sure my toaster is unplugged. I'm always worried about the future, my family, everything. And finally, I don't like things to be changed up. I like to have a set schedule, with no changes, at all. I don't like to have to adapt to new things all over again. " - anonymous

1 comment:

  1. http://adp3section7.wordpress.com/2010/11/03/world-changing-due-119/
